Details for twitter-under-the-weather.ipynb

Published by gedankenstuecke


This notebook needs GPS data from Moves and a Twitter archive through Twarxiv to correlate your tweeting behaviour with the weather conditions.


Tags & Data Sources

weather sentiment mood Twitter Archive Analyzer Moves connection


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Last updated 6 years, 1 month ago

How does the weather influence my Social Media behavior?

Mental well-being might well be tied to the weather, e.g. you might be feeling blue after days of rain without a break. Similarly, your social media behaviour might be tied to the weather. E.g. you might post less if you're outside enjoying the sun. Or you might post more up-beat posts when the weather's nice.

This notebook brings together the data from your Twitter archive and your GPS data from Moves to correlate your Twitter and Weather data.

For this notebook to work you need to have both the Twitter Archive Analyser and the Moves connection added to your Open Humans account and already need to have this data available in your account (i.e. you need to have uploaded your Twitter archive on the Twitter archive analyser site and need to have connected your Moves account to your Open Humans account).

The weather data comes from Dark Sky and their API. You will need a DARKSKY_KEY for their API to use this notebook. You can create one for free on their website. Dark Sky allows you to make 1,000 calls per day for free. This notebook makes at worst 1 call for each day that is in your DATARANGE. So the 1,000 calls can get you ~ 2 1/2 years of local weather data. Once you have made an account you can enter you DARKSKY_KEY in the cell below.

The DATARANGE_START and DATARANGE_END give the boundaries for which your analysis should be run (in YYYY-MM-DD format). Choose the values so that you have some Moves data between those boundaries and also that you're not requesting too much data from Dark Sky (or pay for requesting more data from dark sky, after the first 1,000 calls each day of weather data will be USD 0.0001).

You might consider paying for additional API calls to Dark Sky as it's rather cheap: Making 10,000 calls costs US $1.00 and you can set up daily usage limits to make sure you don't accumulate too much costs.

Let's load our dependencies for getting & analysing the Moves and Twitter Archive data

Processing the Twitter archive data

All the functions are already provided by and we just copied the functions from there. It will basically take a zipped archive from a URL and return a nicely formatted pandas dataframe. Let's just take these as given for now:

Processing the Moves data

This is copied more or less verbatim from the moves-analysis.ipynb notebook that's a Personal Data Notebook example. Let's take this code for given right now too:

Importing Moves and Twitter Data

We can now start importing our data from the two data sources. The Twitter data will already come in a nicely packaged data frame. For the Moves data we will have to make our weather API calls afterwards.

reading files
downloading files
reading index
iterate over individual files
read data/js/tweets/2018_03.js
read data/js/tweets/2018_02.js
read data/js/tweets/2018_01.js
read data/js/tweets/2017_12.js
read data/js/tweets/2017_11.js
read data/js/tweets/2017_10.js
read data/js/tweets/2017_09.js
read data/js/tweets/2017_08.js
read data/js/tweets/2017_07.js
read data/js/tweets/2017_06.js
read data/js/tweets/2017_05.js
read data/js/tweets/2017_04.js
read data/js/tweets/2017_03.js
read data/js/tweets/2017_02.js
read data/js/tweets/2017_01.js
read data/js/tweets/2016_12.js
read data/js/tweets/2016_11.js
read data/js/tweets/2016_10.js
read data/js/tweets/2016_09.js
read data/js/tweets/2016_08.js
read data/js/tweets/2016_07.js
read data/js/tweets/2016_06.js
read data/js/tweets/2016_05.js
read data/js/tweets/2016_04.js
read data/js/tweets/2016_03.js
read data/js/tweets/2016_02.js
read data/js/tweets/2016_01.js
read data/js/tweets/2015_12.js
read data/js/tweets/2015_11.js
read data/js/tweets/2015_10.js
read data/js/tweets/2015_09.js
read data/js/tweets/2015_08.js
read data/js/tweets/2015_07.js
read data/js/tweets/2015_06.js
read data/js/tweets/2015_05.js
read data/js/tweets/2015_04.js
read data/js/tweets/2015_03.js
read data/js/tweets/2015_02.js
read data/js/tweets/2015_01.js
read data/js/tweets/2014_12.js
read data/js/tweets/2014_11.js
read data/js/tweets/2014_10.js
read data/js/tweets/2014_09.js
read data/js/tweets/2014_08.js
read data/js/tweets/2014_07.js
read data/js/tweets/2014_06.js
read data/js/tweets/2014_05.js
read data/js/tweets/2014_04.js
read data/js/tweets/2014_03.js
read data/js/tweets/2014_02.js
read data/js/tweets/2014_01.js
read data/js/tweets/2013_12.js
read data/js/tweets/2013_11.js
read data/js/tweets/2013_10.js
read data/js/tweets/2013_09.js
read data/js/tweets/2013_08.js
read data/js/tweets/2013_07.js
read data/js/tweets/2013_06.js
read data/js/tweets/2013_05.js
read data/js/tweets/2013_04.js
read data/js/tweets/2013_03.js
read data/js/tweets/2013_02.js
read data/js/tweets/2013_01.js
read data/js/tweets/2012_12.js
read data/js/tweets/2012_11.js
read data/js/tweets/2012_10.js
read data/js/tweets/2012_09.js
read data/js/tweets/2012_08.js
read data/js/tweets/2012_07.js
read data/js/tweets/2012_06.js
read data/js/tweets/2012_05.js
read data/js/tweets/2012_04.js
read data/js/tweets/2012_03.js
read data/js/tweets/2012_02.js
read data/js/tweets/2012_01.js
read data/js/tweets/2011_12.js
read data/js/tweets/2011_11.js
read data/js/tweets/2011_10.js
read data/js/tweets/2011_09.js
read data/js/tweets/2011_08.js
read data/js/tweets/2011_07.js
read data/js/tweets/2011_06.js
read data/js/tweets/2011_05.js
read data/js/tweets/2011_04.js
read data/js/tweets/2011_03.js
read data/js/tweets/2011_02.js
read data/js/tweets/2011_01.js
read data/js/tweets/2010_12.js
read data/js/tweets/2010_11.js
read data/js/tweets/2010_10.js
read data/js/tweets/2010_09.js
read data/js/tweets/2010_08.js
read data/js/tweets/2010_07.js
read data/js/tweets/2010_06.js
read data/js/tweets/2010_05.js
read data/js/tweets/2010_04.js
read data/js/tweets/2010_03.js
read data/js/tweets/2010_02.js
read data/js/tweets/2010_01.js
read data/js/tweets/2009_12.js
read data/js/tweets/2009_11.js
read data/js/tweets/2009_10.js
read data/js/tweets/2009_09.js
read data/js/tweets/2009_08.js
read data/js/tweets/2009_07.js
read data/js/tweets/2009_06.js
read data/js/tweets/2009_05.js
read data/js/tweets/2009_04.js
read data/js/tweets/2009_03.js
read data/js/tweets/2009_02.js
read data/js/tweets/2009_01.js
read data/js/tweets/2008_12.js
read data/js/tweets/2008_11.js
read data/js/tweets/2008_10.js
read data/js/tweets/2008_09.js
read data/js/tweets/2008_08.js
read data/js/tweets/2008_07.js
read data/js/tweets/2008_06.js
read data/js/tweets/2008_05.js
read data/js/tweets/2008_04.js

Let's quickly look at the Twitter dataframe to see whether the data was loaded correctly:

hashtag latitude longitude media reply_name reply_user_name retweet_name retweet_user_name text url
2018-03-28 17:19:54+00:00 NaN NaN NaN 1.0 None None David Gerard davidgerard RT @davidgerard: new dimensions in ICO scams: ... NaN
2018-03-28 16:51:03+00:00 NaN 37.8737 -122.257 NaN Michael Fe3+ mbeisen None None @mbeisen @michaelhoffman @mmcwatters the futur... 1.0
2018-03-28 16:45:32+00:00 NaN 37.8737 -122.256 NaN yo yehudi🏳️‍🌈🇪🇺 yoyehudi None None @yoyehudi I took the easy route: amazon :D NaN
2018-03-28 16:38:41+00:00 NaN 37.8737 -122.257 NaN Timothée Poisot tpoi None None @tpoi How much I hate “trivial”! NaN
2018-03-28 16:01:31+00:00 NaN 37.8632 -122.273 NaN Jason Williams JasonWilliamsNY None None @JasonWilliamsNY Absolutely, but this one has ... NaN

If this looks good we can now go ahead and import the weather data from the Dark Sky's API and convert the data into a data frame too:

Let's check whether the Moves weather look up worked out:

apparentTemperatureHigh apparentTemperatureLow date distance latitude longitude precipAccumulation precipIntensity precipIntensityMax precipType steps temperatureHigh temperatureLow
0 18.01 10.72 20160617 1759.0 50.060944 8.818717 0.0 0.2515 3.5230 rain 992 18.01 10.72
1 18.11 11.41 20160618 5413.0 50.060944 8.818717 0.0 0.1499 1.8009 rain 6730 18.11 11.41
2 17.45 7.46 20160619 6471.0 50.060944 8.818717 0.0 0.0076 0.1575 rain 6395 17.45 7.83
3 21.37 13.95 20160620 4613.0 50.060944 8.818717 0.0 0.2235 2.7127 rain 4377 21.37 13.95
4 21.62 17.37 20160621 2238.0 50.114025 8.753432 0.0 0.2235 2.3520 rain 2673 21.62 17.10

If that looks good we can now do a quick sentiment prediction for our Twitter data:

Let's now grab the mean sentiment per day and the number of tweets per day and store all of that in twitter_mean:

hashtag latitude longitude media url polarity subjectivity date
2008-04-02 NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN 0.422222 0.644444 2
2008-04-03 NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN 0.016667 0.916667 12
2008-04-04 NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN -0.333333 0.666667 9
2008-04-05 NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN 0.500000 1.000000 6
2008-04-06 NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN 3

Now we need to set the index for the Moves data correctly so that we can join our two dataframes on it. To do that we need to correctly parse the date column.

Polarity/Subjectivity in relation to felt temperature

And with that we are ready to plot how our polarity and subjectivity is dependent e.g. on the apparentTemperatureHigh:

<seaborn.axisgrid.FacetGrid at 0x7fd21d57ad68>
<seaborn.axisgrid.FacetGrid at 0x7fd21cce24a8>

There seems to be very little interaction between the perceived temperature and the polarity/subjectivity. So, maybe it's more a function of how wet it's outside?

Tears in the rain: Polarity/Subjectivity in relation to percipitation

Let's just plot polarity and subjectivity in relation to the presence/absence of any percipitation outside:

<matplotlib.axes._subplots.AxesSubplot at 0x7fd21cc62438>
<matplotlib.axes._subplots.AxesSubplot at 0x7fd21cbda160>
the p-value for a subjectivity-difference between rain & shine is 0.827896273529459
the p-value for a polarity-difference between rain & shine is 0.9882673041937862

Neither the plots themselves nor the mannwhitneyu statistical test offers any evidence for the weather influencing the polarity or subjectivity of tweets in this case. ☔️✨☀️🌈

Tweets per Day & the Weather

Let's now check whether the weather impacts how many tweets per day are being sent. Given that my own Twitter frequency fluctuates a lot over the years I want to limit myself to the year 2016 for the analysis:

<seaborn.axisgrid.FacetGrid at 0x7fd21cbb7860>

There seems to be somewhat of a positive correlation between the temperature and the number of tweets per day. But how does it correlate to the presence of precipitation?

<matplotlib.axes._subplots.AxesSubplot at 0x7fd21a49a4a8>

While there is a slight trend it overall seems that Twitter isn't just for rainy days after all but is also happily used on sunny days. ☀️

Last updated 6 years, 1 month ago

How does the weather influence my Social Media behavior?

Mental well-being might well be tied to the weather, e.g. you might be feeling blue after days of rain without a break. Similarly, your social media behaviour might be tied to the weather. E.g. you might post less if you're outside enjoying the sun. Or you might post more up-beat posts when the weather's nice.

This notebook brings together the data from your Twitter archive and your GPS data from Moves to correlate your Twitter and Weather data.

For this notebook to work you need to have both the Twitter Archive Analyser and the Moves connection added to your Open Humans account and already need to have this data available in your account (i.e. you need to have uploaded your Twitter archive on the Twitter archive analyser site and need to have connected your Moves account to your Open Humans account).

The weather data comes from Dark Sky and their API. You will need a DARKSKY_KEY for their API to use this notebook. You can create one for free on their website. Dark Sky allows you to make 1,000 calls per day for free. This notebook makes at worst 1 call for each day that is in your DATARANGE. So the 1,000 calls can get you ~ 2 1/2 years of local weather data. Once you have made an account you can enter you DARKSKY_KEY in the cell below.

The DATARANGE_START and DATARANGE_END give the boundaries for which your analysis should be run (in YYYY-MM-DD format). Choose the values so that you have some Moves data between those boundaries and also that you're not requesting too much data from Dark Sky (or pay for requesting more data from dark sky, after the first 1,000 calls each day of weather data will be USD 0.0001).

You might consider paying for additional API calls to Dark Sky as it's rather cheap: Making 10,000 calls costs US $1.00 and you can set up daily usage limits to make sure you don't accumulate too much costs.

In [1]:
DATARANGE_START = "2016-06-01"
DATARANGE_END = "2018-05-08"

Let's load our dependencies for getting & analysing the Moves and Twitter Archive data

In [2]:
import os
import json
import requests
from datetime import datetime
from collections import defaultdict
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
import seaborn as sns
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import tempfile
import zipfile
import pytz
import io
import sys
from textblob import TextBlob
import emoji

# sets the axis label sizes for seaborn
rc={'font.size': 14, 'axes.labelsize': 14, 'legend.fontsize': 14.0, 
    'axes.titlesize': 14, 'xtick.labelsize': 14, 'ytick.labelsize': 14}

Processing the Twitter archive data

All the functions are already provided by and we just copied the functions from there. It will basically take a zipped archive from a URL and return a nicely formatted pandas dataframe. Let's just take these as given for now:

In [3]:


def check_hashtag(single_tweet):
    '''check whether tweet has any hashtags'''
    return len(single_tweet['entities']['hashtags']) > 0

def check_media(single_tweet):
    '''check whether tweet has any media attached'''
    return len(single_tweet['entities']['media']) > 0

def check_url(single_tweet):
    '''check whether tweet has any urls attached'''
    return len(single_tweet['entities']['urls']) > 0

def check_retweet(single_tweet):
    check whether tweet is a RT. If yes:
    return name & user name of the RT'd user.
    otherwise just return nones
    if 'retweeted_status' in single_tweet.keys():
        return (single_tweet['retweeted_status']['user']['screen_name'],
        return (None, None)

def check_coordinates(single_tweet):
    check whether tweet has coordinates attached.
    if yes return the coordinates
    otherwise just return nones
    if 'coordinates' in single_tweet['geo'].keys():
        return (single_tweet['geo']['coordinates'][0],
        return (None, None)

def check_reply_to(single_tweet):
    check whether tweet is a reply. If yes:
    return name & user name of the user that's replied to.
    otherwise just return nones
    if 'in_reply_to_screen_name' in single_tweet.keys():
        name = None
        for user in single_tweet['entities']['user_mentions']:
            if user['screen_name'] == single_tweet['in_reply_to_screen_name']:
                name = user['name']
        return (single_tweet['in_reply_to_screen_name'], name)
        return (None, None)

def create_dataframe(tweets):
    create a pandas dataframe from our tweet jsons

    # initalize empty lists
    utc_time = []
    longitude = []
    latitude = []
    hashtag = []
    media = []
    url = []
    retweet_user_name = []
    retweet_name = []
    reply_user_name = []
    reply_name = []
    text = []
    # iterate over all tweets and extract data
    for single_tweet in tweets:
                                                   '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S %z'))
        coordinates = check_coordinates(single_tweet)
        retweet = check_retweet(single_tweet)
        reply = check_reply_to(single_tweet)
    # convert the whole shebang into a pandas dataframe
    dataframe = pd.DataFrame(data={
                            'utc_time': utc_time,
                            'latitude': latitude,
                            'longitude': longitude,
                            'hashtag': hashtag,
                            'media': media,
                            'url': url,
                            'retweet_user_name': retweet_user_name,
                            'retweet_name': retweet_name,
                            'reply_user_name': reply_user_name,
                            'reply_name': reply_name,
                            'text': text
    return dataframe

def read_files(zip_url):
    tf = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile()
    print('downloading files')
    zf = zipfile.ZipFile(
    print('reading index')
    with'data/js/tweet_index.js', 'r') as f:
        f = io.TextIOWrapper(f)
        d = f.readlines()[1:]
        d = "[{" + "".join(d)
        json_files = json.loads(d)
    data_frames = []
    print('iterate over individual files')
    for single_file in json_files:
        print('read ' + single_file['file_name'])
        with['file_name']) as f:
            f = io.TextIOWrapper(f)
            d = f.readlines()[1:]
            d = "".join(d)
            tweets = json.loads(d)
            df_tweets = create_dataframe(tweets)
    return data_frames

def create_main_dataframe(zip_url=''):
    print('reading files')
    dataframes = read_files(zip_url)
    dataframe = pd.concat(dataframes)
    dataframe = dataframe.sort_values('utc_time', ascending=False)
    dataframe = dataframe.set_index('utc_time')
    dataframe = dataframe.replace(to_replace={
                                    'url': {False: None},
                                    'hashtag': {False: None},
                                    'media': {False: None}
    return dataframe

Processing the Moves data

This is copied more or less verbatim from the moves-analysis.ipynb notebook that's a Personal Data Notebook example. Let's take this code for given right now too:

In [4]:
weather_cache = {}

def longest_daily_location(daily_segments):
    takes a daily segment log of Moves and returns the 
    lat/long for the location where most time was spent. 
    Can be misleading for days w/ lots of travel etc. 
    But the most quick/dirty solution for now.
    places_of_day = []
    for i in daily_segments:
        if i['type'] == 'place':
            place_location = i['place']['location']
            start_time = datetime.strptime(i['startTime'],'%Y%m%dT%H%M%S%z')
            end_time = datetime.strptime(i['endTime'],'%Y%m%dT%H%M%S%z')
            duration = end_time - start_time
    places_of_day.sort(key=lambda tup: tup[-1],reverse=True)
    return places_of_day[0][0]

def weather_for_location_day(location, date):
    take a location as returned by longest_daily_location 
    and a date of YYYYMMDD to get the weather from the 
    Dark Sky API. Does not do any filtering yet
        raise ValueError("Oops, you didn't add your Dark Sky API key! "
              "Scroll back up to the first step in this notebook. :)")
    date = '{}-{}-{}T12:00:00'.format(

    if date not in weather_cache:
        url = '{}/{},{},{}?units=si'.format(DARKSKY_KEY,
        response = requests.get(url)
        weather_cache[date] = response.json()

    return weather_cache[date]

Importing Moves and Twitter Data

We can now start importing our data from the two data sources. The Twitter data will already come in a nicely packaged data frame. For the Moves data we will have to make our weather API calls afterwards.

In [5]:
response = requests.get("{}".format(os.environ.get('OH_ACCESS_TOKEN')))
user = json.loads(response.content)

has_twitter = False
has_moves = False

# get our download URLs
for entry in user['data']:
    if entry['source'] == "direct-sharing-70":
        twitter_data_url = entry['download_url']
        has_twitter = True
    if entry['source'] == "direct-sharing-138":
        moves_data_url = entry['download_url']
        has_moves = True

if not has_twitter:
    print("GO TO TO UPLOAD IT")

if not has_twitter:
    print("GO TO TO UPLOAD IT")
# read the twitter data
twitter_data = create_main_dataframe(zip_url=twitter_data_url)

# read the moves data
moves_data_raw = requests.get(moves_data_url).content
moves_data = json.loads(moves_data_raw)
reading files
downloading files
reading index
iterate over individual files
read data/js/tweets/2018_03.js
read data/js/tweets/2018_02.js
read data/js/tweets/2018_01.js
read data/js/tweets/2017_12.js
read data/js/tweets/2017_11.js
read data/js/tweets/2017_10.js
read data/js/tweets/2017_09.js
read data/js/tweets/2017_08.js
read data/js/tweets/2017_07.js
read data/js/tweets/2017_06.js
read data/js/tweets/2017_05.js
read data/js/tweets/2017_04.js
read data/js/tweets/2017_03.js
read data/js/tweets/2017_02.js
read data/js/tweets/2017_01.js
read data/js/tweets/2016_12.js
read data/js/tweets/2016_11.js
read data/js/tweets/2016_10.js
read data/js/tweets/2016_09.js
read data/js/tweets/2016_08.js
read data/js/tweets/2016_07.js
read data/js/tweets/2016_06.js
read data/js/tweets/2016_05.js
read data/js/tweets/2016_04.js
read data/js/tweets/2016_03.js
read data/js/tweets/2016_02.js
read data/js/tweets/2016_01.js
read data/js/tweets/2015_12.js
read data/js/tweets/2015_11.js
read data/js/tweets/2015_10.js
read data/js/tweets/2015_09.js
read data/js/tweets/2015_08.js
read data/js/tweets/2015_07.js
read data/js/tweets/2015_06.js
read data/js/tweets/2015_05.js
read data/js/tweets/2015_04.js
read data/js/tweets/2015_03.js
read data/js/tweets/2015_02.js
read data/js/tweets/2015_01.js
read data/js/tweets/2014_12.js
read data/js/tweets/2014_11.js
read data/js/tweets/2014_10.js
read data/js/tweets/2014_09.js
read data/js/tweets/2014_08.js
read data/js/tweets/2014_07.js
read data/js/tweets/2014_06.js
read data/js/tweets/2014_05.js
read data/js/tweets/2014_04.js
read data/js/tweets/2014_03.js
read data/js/tweets/2014_02.js
read data/js/tweets/2014_01.js
read data/js/tweets/2013_12.js
read data/js/tweets/2013_11.js
read data/js/tweets/2013_10.js
read data/js/tweets/2013_09.js
read data/js/tweets/2013_08.js
read data/js/tweets/2013_07.js
read data/js/tweets/2013_06.js
read data/js/tweets/2013_05.js
read data/js/tweets/2013_04.js
read data/js/tweets/2013_03.js
read data/js/tweets/2013_02.js
read data/js/tweets/2013_01.js
read data/js/tweets/2012_12.js
read data/js/tweets/2012_11.js
read data/js/tweets/2012_10.js
read data/js/tweets/2012_09.js
read data/js/tweets/2012_08.js
read data/js/tweets/2012_07.js
read data/js/tweets/2012_06.js
read data/js/tweets/2012_05.js
read data/js/tweets/2012_04.js
read data/js/tweets/2012_03.js
read data/js/tweets/2012_02.js
read data/js/tweets/2012_01.js
read data/js/tweets/2011_12.js
read data/js/tweets/2011_11.js
read data/js/tweets/2011_10.js
read data/js/tweets/2011_09.js
read data/js/tweets/2011_08.js
read data/js/tweets/2011_07.js
read data/js/tweets/2011_06.js
read data/js/tweets/2011_05.js
read data/js/tweets/2011_04.js
read data/js/tweets/2011_03.js
read data/js/tweets/2011_02.js
read data/js/tweets/2011_01.js
read data/js/tweets/2010_12.js
read data/js/tweets/2010_11.js
read data/js/tweets/2010_10.js
read data/js/tweets/2010_09.js
read data/js/tweets/2010_08.js
read data/js/tweets/2010_07.js
read data/js/tweets/2010_06.js
read data/js/tweets/2010_05.js
read data/js/tweets/2010_04.js
read data/js/tweets/2010_03.js
read data/js/tweets/2010_02.js
read data/js/tweets/2010_01.js
read data/js/tweets/2009_12.js
read data/js/tweets/2009_11.js
read data/js/tweets/2009_10.js
read data/js/tweets/2009_09.js
read data/js/tweets/2009_08.js
read data/js/tweets/2009_07.js
read data/js/tweets/2009_06.js
read data/js/tweets/2009_05.js
read data/js/tweets/2009_04.js
read data/js/tweets/2009_03.js
read data/js/tweets/2009_02.js
read data/js/tweets/2009_01.js
read data/js/tweets/2008_12.js
read data/js/tweets/2008_11.js
read data/js/tweets/2008_10.js
read data/js/tweets/2008_09.js
read data/js/tweets/2008_08.js
read data/js/tweets/2008_07.js
read data/js/tweets/2008_06.js
read data/js/tweets/2008_05.js
read data/js/tweets/2008_04.js

Let's quickly look at the Twitter dataframe to see whether the data was loaded correctly:

In [6]:
hashtag latitude longitude media reply_name reply_user_name retweet_name retweet_user_name text url
2018-03-28 17:19:54+00:00 NaN NaN NaN 1.0 None None David Gerard davidgerard RT @davidgerard: new dimensions in ICO scams: ... NaN
2018-03-28 16:51:03+00:00 NaN 37.8737 -122.257 NaN Michael Fe3+ mbeisen None None @mbeisen @michaelhoffman @mmcwatters the futur... 1.0
2018-03-28 16:45:32+00:00 NaN 37.8737 -122.256 NaN yo yehudi🏳️‍🌈🇪🇺 yoyehudi None None @yoyehudi I took the easy route: amazon :D NaN
2018-03-28 16:38:41+00:00 NaN 37.8737 -122.257 NaN Timothée Poisot tpoi None None @tpoi How much I hate “trivial”! NaN
2018-03-28 16:01:31+00:00 NaN 37.8632 -122.273 NaN Jason Williams JasonWilliamsNY None None @JasonWilliamsNY Absolutely, but this one has ... NaN

If this looks good we can now go ahead and import the weather data from the Dark Sky's API and convert the data into a data frame too:

In [7]:
weather_variables  = ['precipType','precipIntensity','temperatureHigh',
                      'apparentTemperatureHigh', 'apparentTemperatureLow']

moves_processed_data = defaultdict(list)

for datapoint in moves_data:
    # we need to have observed segments for that day. If moves wasn't running we ignore the day
    if datapoint['segments'] != None:
        # did we stay in a place that day and did we walk that day?
        has_places = False
        walked = False
        for i in datapoint['segments']:
            if i['type'] == 'place':
                    # yes, we were in one place w/o moving around too much, we can keep this day
                    has_places = True
        # is this day in our date range of interest and has data?
        if datapoint['summary'] != None and has_places and datetime.strptime(datapoint['date'],"%Y%m%d") > datetime.strptime(DATARANGE_START,"%Y-%m-%d"):
            for activity in datapoint['summary']:
                if activity['activity'] == 'walking':
                    walked = True
            # whops, we have moves data for this day but moves didn't register you walking & your step count is zero
            if not walked:
            # grab the location where we spent most time as baseline geo location for the day
            location = longest_daily_location(datapoint['segments'])
            # now we can grab the weather for our baseline location
            weather = weather_for_location_day(location,datapoint['date'])
            for variable in weather_variables:
                if variable in weather['daily']['data'][0].keys():
            if datetime.strptime(datapoint['date'],"%Y%m%d") > datetime.strptime(DATARANGE_END,"%Y-%m-%d"):

moves_dataframe = pd.DataFrame(data={
    'date': moves_processed_data['date'],
    'steps': moves_processed_data['steps'],
    'distance': moves_processed_data['distance'],
    'latitude': moves_processed_data['lat'],
    'longitude': moves_processed_data['lon'],
    'precipType': moves_processed_data['precipType'],
    'precipIntensity': moves_processed_data['precipIntensity'],
    'precipIntensityMax': moves_processed_data['precipIntensityMax'],
    'precipAccumulation': moves_processed_data['precipAccumulation'],
    'temperatureHigh': moves_processed_data['temperatureHigh'],
    'temperatureLow': moves_processed_data['temperatureLow'],
    'apparentTemperatureHigh': moves_processed_data['apparentTemperatureHigh'],
    'apparentTemperatureLow': moves_processed_data['apparentTemperatureLow']


Let's check whether the Moves weather look up worked out:

In [8]:
apparentTemperatureHigh apparentTemperatureLow date distance latitude longitude precipAccumulation precipIntensity precipIntensityMax precipType steps temperatureHigh temperatureLow
0 18.01 10.72 20160617 1759.0 50.060944 8.818717 0.0 0.2515 3.5230 rain 992 18.01 10.72
1 18.11 11.41 20160618 5413.0 50.060944 8.818717 0.0 0.1499 1.8009 rain 6730 18.11 11.41
2 17.45 7.46 20160619 6471.0 50.060944 8.818717 0.0 0.0076 0.1575 rain 6395 17.45 7.83
3 21.37 13.95 20160620 4613.0 50.060944 8.818717 0.0 0.2235 2.7127 rain 4377 21.37 13.95
4 21.62 17.37 20160621 2238.0 50.114025 8.753432 0.0 0.2235 2.3520 rain 2673 21.62 17.10

If that looks good we can now do a quick sentiment prediction for our Twitter data:

In [9]:
polarity = []
subjectivity = []
twitter_data['blob'] = twitter_data['text'].apply(TextBlob)
for entry in twitter_data['blob']:
twitter_data['polarity'] = polarity
twitter_data['subjectivity'] = subjectivity
twitter_data = twitter_data.replace(0, np.nan)

Let's now grab the mean sentiment per day and the number of tweets per day and store all of that in twitter_mean:

In [10]:
twitter_data['date'] =
tweets_per_day = twitter_data['date'].value_counts()
twitter_mean = twitter_data.groupby(
twitter_mean = twitter_mean.join(tweets_per_day)
In [11]:
hashtag latitude longitude media url polarity subjectivity date
2008-04-02 NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN 0.422222 0.644444 2
2008-04-03 NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN 0.016667 0.916667 12
2008-04-04 NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN -0.333333 0.666667 9
2008-04-05 NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN 0.500000 1.000000 6
2008-04-06 NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN 3

Now we need to set the index for the Moves data correctly so that we can join our two dataframes on it. To do that we need to correctly parse the date column.

In [12]:
moves_dataframe['date'] = moves_dataframe['date'].apply(lambda x: datetime.strptime(x,"%Y%m%d"))
moves_dataframe.index = moves_dataframe['date']
twitter_moves = twitter_mean.join(moves_dataframe,lsuffix='_twitter',rsuffix='_moves',how='right')

Polarity/Subjectivity in relation to felt temperature

And with that we are ready to plot how our polarity and subjectivity is dependent e.g. on the apparentTemperatureHigh:

In [13]:
sns.lmplot(x="apparentTemperatureHigh", y="polarity", data=twitter_moves,lowess=True,size=8,aspect=1.5)
<seaborn.axisgrid.FacetGrid at 0x7fd21d57ad68>
In [14]:
sns.lmplot(x="apparentTemperatureHigh", y="subjectivity", data=twitter_moves,lowess=True,size=8,aspect=1.5)
<seaborn.axisgrid.FacetGrid at 0x7fd21cce24a8>

There seems to be very little interaction between the perceived temperature and the polarity/subjectivity. So, maybe it's more a function of how wet it's outside?

Tears in the rain: Polarity/Subjectivity in relation to percipitation

Let's just plot polarity and subjectivity in relation to the presence/absence of any percipitation outside:

In [15]:
               data=twitter_moves[twitter_moves['precipType'] != 'snow'])
<matplotlib.axes._subplots.AxesSubplot at 0x7fd21cc62438>
In [16]:
               data=twitter_moves[twitter_moves['precipType'] != 'snow'])
<matplotlib.axes._subplots.AxesSubplot at 0x7fd21cbda160>
In [17]:
from scipy.stats import mannwhitneyu


rain = twitter_moves[twitter_moves['precipType'] == 'rain']
clear = twitter_moves[twitter_moves['precipType'] == 0]
polarity_results = mannwhitneyu(rain['polarity'], clear['polarity'],alternative='two-sided')
subjectivity_results  = mannwhitneyu(rain['subjectivity'], clear['subjectivity'],alternative='two-sided')
print('the p-value for a subjectivity-difference between rain & shine is {}'.format(subjectivity_results.pvalue))
print('the p-value for a polarity-difference between rain & shine is {}'.format(polarity_results.pvalue))
the p-value for a subjectivity-difference between rain & shine is 0.827896273529459
the p-value for a polarity-difference between rain & shine is 0.9882673041937862

Neither the plots themselves nor the mannwhitneyu statistical test offers any evidence for the weather influencing the polarity or subjectivity of tweets in this case. ☔️✨☀️🌈

Tweets per Day & the Weather

Let's now check whether the weather impacts how many tweets per day are being sent. Given that my own Twitter frequency fluctuates a lot over the years I want to limit myself to the year 2016 for the analysis:

In [18]:
tweet_year = "2016"
# you can get these values from Google Maps by clicking on a point and copy&pasting the values 
# from the URL/bottom information box

target_latitude = 50.114462 # If you're south of the equator this one should start with "-"
target_longitude = 8.746019 # If you're west of the prime meridian this should also start with a "-"
km_distance = 25 # we don't want to be too strict in filtering.
In [19]:
# earth's radius in km = ~6371
earth_radius = 6371

# latitude boundaries
maxlat = target_latitude + np.rad2deg(km_distance / earth_radius)
minlat = target_latitude - np.rad2deg(km_distance / earth_radius)

#longitude boundaries (longitude gets smaller when latitude increases)
maxlng = target_longitude + np.rad2deg(km_distance / earth_radius / np.cos(np.deg2rad(target_latitude)))
minlng = target_longitude - np.rad2deg(km_distance / earth_radius / np.cos(np.deg2rad(target_latitude)))

twitter_moves['tweets_per_day'] = twitter_moves['date_twitter'] 
twitter_moves_subset = twitter_moves[(twitter_moves.index.year == int(tweet_year)) & 
                                    (twitter_moves['longitude_moves'] >= minlng) & 
                                    (twitter_moves['longitude_moves'] < maxlng) &
                                    (twitter_moves['latitude_moves'] < maxlat) & 
                                    (twitter_moves['latitude_moves'] > minlat)]

sns.lmplot(x="temperatureLow", y="tweets_per_day", data=twitter_moves_subset,lowess=True,size=8,aspect=1.5)
<seaborn.axisgrid.FacetGrid at 0x7fd21cbb7860>

There seems to be somewhat of a positive correlation between the temperature and the number of tweets per day. But how does it correlate to the presence of precipitation?

In [21]:
               data=twitter_moves_subset[twitter_moves_subset['precipType'] != 'snow'])
<matplotlib.axes._subplots.AxesSubplot at 0x7fd21a49a4a8>

While there is a slight trend it overall seems that Twitter isn't just for rainy days after all but is also happily used on sunny days. ☀️