Details for Daylio Analysis.ipynb

Published by danlessa


Notebook for reading and processing an Daylio exported csv to a more friendly dataset and doing an quick visualization of it.

In this notebook, I perform an resampled visualization of the mood score and an visualization of the correlation matrix between the different activities when doing an multilinear fit on the data.

But the best visualization is the results of the multilinear fit on the activities - it summarizes the relations between the activities and the mood


Tags & Data Sources

daylio daylio


Right now this notebook isn't tied in into the Open Humans API but rather relies on the presence of a `daylio_export.csv` file in the same folder as the Notebook. Would be cool to get this tied in with the API though!

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Last updated 5 years, 10 months ago

Notebooks para estudar os dados do Daylio


Custom definitions

Data preparation


OLS Regression Results
Dep. Variable: y R-squared: 0.291
Model: OLS Adj. R-squared: 0.269
Method: Least Squares F-statistic: 13.22
Date: Tue, 04 Sep 2018 Prob (F-statistic): 4.00e-45
Time: 16:08:12 Log-Likelihood: -3571.3
No. Observations: 833 AIC: 7195.
Df Residuals: 807 BIC: 7317.
Df Model: 25
Covariance Type: nonrobust
coef std err t P>|t| [0.025 0.975]
const 54.5210 1.586 34.373 0.000 51.407 57.634
USP 5.1119 2.533 2.018 0.044 0.139 10.085
a posterior -2.7219 2.250 -1.210 0.227 -7.139 1.695
bandex 1.5685 2.852 0.550 0.582 -4.029 7.166
caffeine 0.3053 2.114 0.144 0.885 -3.843 4.454
chill 6.8547 3.209 2.136 0.033 0.557 13.153
class -1.8198 3.432 -0.530 0.596 -8.557 4.918
contact lens -1.7243 2.110 -0.817 0.414 -5.866 2.418
cycling 0.9111 2.520 0.361 0.718 -4.036 5.858
date 6.4735 1.646 3.932 0.000 3.242 9.705
fasting 2.2845 2.460 0.929 0.353 -2.545 7.114
formal 1.1135 2.548 0.437 0.662 -3.887 6.114
home -3.5779 1.865 -1.918 0.055 -7.239 0.083
party -2.6290 3.938 -0.668 0.505 -10.359 5.101
passeio 5.7355 1.851 3.099 0.002 2.103 9.368
physical activity 0.5302 2.401 0.221 0.825 -4.183 5.243
procastination -2.5270 1.435 -1.761 0.079 -5.343 0.289
psychologist 1.1910 3.367 0.354 0.724 -5.418 7.800
relax 16.0155 2.854 5.612 0.000 10.414 21.617
service 3.7127 1.827 2.032 0.042 0.126 7.299
sick -10.0804 3.203 -3.147 0.002 -16.368 -3.793
social 11.8796 1.422 8.354 0.000 9.088 14.671
study -0.5976 2.241 -0.267 0.790 -4.997 3.802
travel -4.5606 2.446 -1.864 0.063 -9.362 0.241
treta -22.7499 2.793 -8.146 0.000 -28.232 -17.268
work 5.1111 1.599 3.197 0.001 1.973 8.249
Omnibus: 24.242 Durbin-Watson: 1.463
Prob(Omnibus): 0.000 Jarque-Bera (JB): 25.602
Skew: -0.412 Prob(JB): 2.76e-06
Kurtosis: 3.242 Cond. No. 8.87

Last updated 5 years, 10 months ago

Notebooks para estudar os dados do Daylio


In [1]:
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import scipy.stats as st
import scipy.optimize as opt
from import table
import statsmodels.api as sm
import scipy.fftpack as fft

Custom definitions

In [2]:
# Put here the score for each custom mood in Daylio
mood_score = {"awful": 0, "melancholic": 0, "aaa": 0,
              "bad": 1, "shitty": 1, "grr": 1,
              "aff":2, "zzz": 2, "meh": 2,
              "good": 3, "satisfied": 3, "gogo": 3,
              "rad": 4, "wonderful": 4, "hihi": 4}

# When doing visualizations and data-fitting, only consider activities with more than N points
activities_N_minimum = 19

Data preparation

In [3]:
# Preparar dados do humor
raw_mood_data = pd.read_csv("daylio_export.csv", parse_dates=[[0, 1, 2, 3]], index_col="year_date_weekday_time")
raw_mood_data = raw_mood_data.replace({"mood": mood_score}).copy()
raw_mood_data = raw_mood_data.replace(np.nan, "")
mood_data = raw_mood_data.copy()

# Normalize mood score to an domain between 0 and 100
mood_data.mood *= 100
mood_data.mood /= 4
In [4]:
# Separate the activities on each row

activities_string = " | ".join(mood_data.activities.values)
activities_string = activities_string.split(" | ")
unique_activities = np.unique(activities_string)
unique_activities = unique_activities[unique_activities != ""]
mood_data.activities = mood_data.activities.str.split(" \| ")
In [5]:
# Generate new columns with the activities
for activity in unique_activities:
    contains_activity = mood_data.activities.apply(lambda x: activity in x)
    mood_data[activity] = contains_activity


In [6]:
resample_rule = "7d"

daily_mood = mood_data.resample(resample_rule).mean().mood
In [7]:
plt.figure(figsize=(14, 7))
plt.plot(daily_mood, "--o")
#plt.plot(mood_data[mood_data.sick == True].mood, 'o')
plt.ylim((0, 100))
plt.title("Mood score along time, resmapling rule: {}".format(resample_rule))
plt.ylabel("Resampled mood score (%)")
In [8]:
# Get list of activities which has more than activities_N_minimum points (user-defined)

unique_activities_2 = []
for activity in unique_activities:
    if mood_data[activity].sum() > activities_N_minimum:
In [9]:
# Do an multilinear fitting on the data

N_samples = len(mood_data)
N_features = len(unique_activities_2)
features = []

X = np.zeros((N_samples, N_features))
Y = np.array(mood_data.mood.values)
for i in range(N_features):
    feature = unique_activities_2[i]
    X[:, i] = mood_data[feature].astype(int)

X = sm.add_constant(X)
est = sm.OLS(Y, X).fit()

summary = est.summary()
cov_mtr = est.cov_params() # covariance matrix
diag = np.diag(np.diag(cov_mtr))
D = np.linalg.inv(np.sqrt(diag))
r = np.matmul(D, np.matmul(cov_mtr, D)) # correlation matrix
In [10]:
# Plot the correlation matrix for the multilinear fit

fig = plt.figure(figsize=(10, 10))
ax = fig.add_subplot(111)
mtr = ax.matshow(r, vmin=-1, vmax=1, cmap="PiYG")
ax.set_xticklabels(["CL"] + unique_activities_2, rotation="vertical")
ax.set_yticklabels(["CL"] + unique_activities_2, rotation="horizontal")
In [11]:
# Transforming the summary table into something more readable

i = 0
for activity in unique_activities_2:
    summary.tables[1][2:][i][0].data = activity
    i += 1
In [12]:
# Show the summary of the multilinear fit

# Rough (and technically wrong) meanings of the columns
# [coef] how much (+/-)% the activity has influence on the mood score (on average)
# [std err] the dispersion of the [coef]
# [t] measure of the reliability for the [coef] estimation.
# |t|=2 means about 95% chance of being right and |t|>2 means about 99% chance of being ok. |t|=1 is about 68% 

OLS Regression Results
Dep. Variable: y R-squared: 0.291
Model: OLS Adj. R-squared: 0.269
Method: Least Squares F-statistic: 13.22
Date: Tue, 04 Sep 2018 Prob (F-statistic): 4.00e-45
Time: 16:08:12 Log-Likelihood: -3571.3
No. Observations: 833 AIC: 7195.
Df Residuals: 807 BIC: 7317.
Df Model: 25
Covariance Type: nonrobust
coef std err t P>|t| [0.025 0.975]
const 54.5210 1.586 34.373 0.000 51.407 57.634
USP 5.1119 2.533 2.018 0.044 0.139 10.085
a posterior -2.7219 2.250 -1.210 0.227 -7.139 1.695
bandex 1.5685 2.852 0.550 0.582 -4.029 7.166
caffeine 0.3053 2.114 0.144 0.885 -3.843 4.454
chill 6.8547 3.209 2.136 0.033 0.557 13.153
class -1.8198 3.432 -0.530 0.596 -8.557 4.918
contact lens -1.7243 2.110 -0.817 0.414 -5.866 2.418
cycling 0.9111 2.520 0.361 0.718 -4.036 5.858
date 6.4735 1.646 3.932 0.000 3.242 9.705
fasting 2.2845 2.460 0.929 0.353 -2.545 7.114
formal 1.1135 2.548 0.437 0.662 -3.887 6.114
home -3.5779 1.865 -1.918 0.055 -7.239 0.083
party -2.6290 3.938 -0.668 0.505 -10.359 5.101
passeio 5.7355 1.851 3.099 0.002 2.103 9.368
physical activity 0.5302 2.401 0.221 0.825 -4.183 5.243
procastination -2.5270 1.435 -1.761 0.079 -5.343 0.289
psychologist 1.1910 3.367 0.354 0.724 -5.418 7.800
relax 16.0155 2.854 5.612 0.000 10.414 21.617
service 3.7127 1.827 2.032 0.042 0.126 7.299
sick -10.0804 3.203 -3.147 0.002 -16.368 -3.793
social 11.8796 1.422 8.354 0.000 9.088 14.671
study -0.5976 2.241 -0.267 0.790 -4.997 3.802
travel -4.5606 2.446 -1.864 0.063 -9.362 0.241
treta -22.7499 2.793 -8.146 0.000 -28.232 -17.268
work 5.1111 1.599 3.197 0.001 1.973 8.249
Omnibus: 24.242 Durbin-Watson: 1.463
Prob(Omnibus): 0.000 Jarque-Bera (JB): 25.602
Skew: -0.412 Prob(JB): 2.76e-06
Kurtosis: 3.242 Cond. No. 8.87
In [ ]:

In [ ]: