Details for rescuetime-daily-dashboard.ipynb

Published by gedankenstuecke (This notebook is an edited copy of paula's notebook)


A varient of Paula's notebook that makes use of the ipywidgets to make interactive graphs


Tags & Data Sources

time tracking dashboard RescueTime connection Fitbit Connection

Other Notebook Versions


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Last updated 4 years, 1 month ago

Where does one's time go in a day?

In this notebook, I will visualize a specified range of days using a modified stacked bar chart with data from RescueTime (supported) and Fitbit (not yet supported).

Viusalizing my data using a stacked 24-hour plot, helps me quickly identify where my time is going and which activities I am spending time on. The anomolies in this chart are just as interesting as the patterns that arrise.

For more questions, please feel free to reach out to @paula on


  1. Define your inputs
    • This is the only step that YOU need to make slight modifications to!!
  1. Get the data
  1. Reformat the data
    • Trasform it to be on the minute and add tags for every minute of the day (don't worry this is all automatic). To see a more helpful guide for understanding the API's, I recommend the rescue-vs-step-counts notebook.
  1. Visualize - Stacked Bar Chart

Step 1: Enter Inputs

Date Range

Either enter number of days from today or enter a date range

Data Sources

Note: Currently this notebook only supports RescueTime

Level of Detail

Select granularity of data

RescueTime Options: activity, category, productivity (Example values:, Video, -2)


Specify colors for known tag names, all remaining unspecified tags will be assigned a random color.

Optional: Reduce Tag List

Highlight only specific tag(s), otherwise all available categories will have a unique color. Adding tag names here will result in only those tags being highlighted in the final chart.

Step 2: Get the Data

Load modules and set up api

Chart Size

Date Range

Data from 2020-03-17 through 2020-03-30, not including the latest date.


Open Humans Api

Data Source: RescueTime

WIP Data Source: Fitbit

Need intra level data

Step 3: Reshape the Data

Step 4: Visualize Data

Last updated 4 years, 1 month ago

Where does one's time go in a day?

In this notebook, I will visualize a specified range of days using a modified stacked bar chart with data from RescueTime (supported) and Fitbit (not yet supported).

Viusalizing my data using a stacked 24-hour plot, helps me quickly identify where my time is going and which activities I am spending time on. The anomolies in this chart are just as interesting as the patterns that arrise.

For more questions, please feel free to reach out to @paula on


  1. Define your inputs
    • This is the only step that YOU need to make slight modifications to!!
  1. Get the data
  1. Reformat the data
    • Trasform it to be on the minute and add tags for every minute of the day (don't worry this is all automatic). To see a more helpful guide for understanding the API's, I recommend the rescue-vs-step-counts notebook.
  1. Visualize - Stacked Bar Chart

Step 1: Enter Inputs

Date Range

Either enter number of days from today or enter a date range

In [1]:

# If True: modify the number below

# If False: modify the date range below
START_DATE = '2020-03-17'
END_DATE ='2020-03-30'

Data Sources

Note: Currently this notebook only supports RescueTime

In [2]:

Level of Detail

Select granularity of data

RescueTime Options: activity, category, productivity (Example values:, Video, -2)

In [3]:
RESC_DETAIL = 'productivity'


Specify colors for known tag names, all remaining unspecified tags will be assigned a random color.

In [4]:
MY_COLORS = {'asleep': '#783f04ff',
             'device': '#70a1f5', 
             'active': '#f1c232ff', 
             'restless': '#ffccf2',
             'awake': '#7fffd4',
             'no entry': '#ffffff',
             'other': '#e8e8e8'}

Optional: Reduce Tag List

Highlight only specific tag(s), otherwise all available categories will have a unique color. Adding tag names here will result in only those tags being highlighted in the final chart.

In [5]:
# If this list is left empty, all categories will be shown and have a unique color

Step 2: Get the Data

Load modules and set up api

In [6]:
import json
import os
import requests
from ohapi import api

from datetime import date, datetime, timedelta as td
import matplotlib.dates as mdates
import arrow

import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import random

import matplotlib.mlab as mlab
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import seaborn as sns

Chart Size

In [7]:
fsize = 22
params = {
    'axes.labelsize': fsize, 
    'axes.titlepad': 20,
    'xtick.major.pad': 5, 
    'axes.labelpad': 20,
    'lines.linewidth' : 3,
    'figure.titlesize': fsize,
    'figure.figsize' : (16,8),
    'legend.title_fontsize': fsize,
    'legend.fontsize': fsize #*0.925, 

Date Range

In [8]:
    START_DATE = ( - pd.DateOffset(days=DAYS_FROM_TODAY)).strftime("%Y-%m-%d")
    END_DATE =  ( + pd.DateOffset(days=1)).strftime("%Y-%m-%d")

# If number of days is False, then the user defined date range will be used
print(f'Data from {START_DATE} through {END_DATE}, not including the latest date.')
Data from 2020-03-17 through 2020-03-30, not including the latest date.


Open Humans Api

In [9]:
user = api.exchange_oauth2_member(os.environ.get('OH_ACCESS_TOKEN'))

Data Source: RescueTime

In [10]:
def import_rescuetime():
    fileurl = ''
    for entry in user['data']:
        if entry['source'] == "direct-sharing-149":
            fileurl = entry['download_url']

    rescuetime_data = requests.get(fileurl).json()

    date = []
    time_spent_seconds = []
    activity = []
    category = []
    productivity = []
    for element in rescuetime_data['rows']:
    date = [datetime.strptime(dt,"%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S") for dt in date]
    rt_df = pd.DataFrame(data={
    'time_spent_seconds': date,
    'Seconds': time_spent_seconds,
    'activity': activity,
    'category': category,
    'productivity': productivity
    return rt_df
In [11]:
def process_rescuetime(rt_df, START_DATE, END_DATE):
    # Remove the time but retain the date type
    rt_df['Date'] = pd.to_datetime(rt_df['time_spent_seconds']

    # We don't need all the data, use the date range specified 
    rt_df = rt_df[(rt_df['Date'] >= START_DATE) & (rt_df['Date'] <= END_DATE)].copy()

    # Data is recorded every 5 minutes, but there is a timer second so we can re-create a more accurrate start/end date
    rt_df['Seconds Sum Per 5Min'] = rt_df.groupby(['time_spent_seconds'])['Seconds'].apply(lambda x: x.cumsum())

    rt_df['Date End'] = rt_df['time_spent_seconds'] + pd.to_timedelta(rt_df['Seconds Sum Per 5Min'], unit='s')
    rt_df['Date Start'] = rt_df['Date End'] - pd.to_timedelta(rt_df['Seconds'], unit='s')
    return rt_df

WIP Data Source: Fitbit

Need intra level data

In [12]:
# fileurl = ''
# for entry in user['data']:
#     if entry['source'] == "direct-sharing-102":
#         fileurl = entry['download_url']
#         break

# fitbit_data = requests.get(fileurl).json()

# date = []
# steps = []

# for year in fitbit_data['tracker-steps'].keys():
#     for entry in fitbit_data['tracker-steps'][year]['activities-tracker-steps']:
#         date.append(entry['dateTime'])
#         steps.append(entry['value'])
# fitbit_steps = pd.DataFrame(data={
#                 'date':date,
#                 'steps': steps})
# fitbit_steps['date'] = pd.to_datetime(fitbit_steps['date'])
# fitbit_steps = fitbit_steps.set_index('date')

Step 3: Reshape the Data

In [13]:
def time_dataframe_prep(df, start_date, end_date, start_date_column, end_date_column, category_column):
    Returns an exploded dataframe, with every minute labeled with the event name or 'no entry'.
        df : dataframe
            A dataframe that contains tagged timstamps
        start_date : str
            Date of first entry 
        end_date :str 
            Date of last entry
        start_date_column : datetime
            Column that contains when the event started
        end_date_column : datetime 
            Column that contains when the event ended
        category_column : str
            Column that contains the event tag name

        df_minutes_se : dataframe
            Table with every minute tagged
    ## Step 1: Create a dataframe of just the end dates
    df_end = df[[end_date_column]].copy()
    # Add a column for 'no entry'
    df_end[category_column] = 'no entry'

    # If there is no gap in data (as in there is an entry immediately following the previous),
    # remove the record from the df_end dataframe
    start_date_pt_list = list(df[start_date_column].unique())
    df_end = df_end[~df_end[end_date_column].isin(start_date_pt_list)]

    ## Step 2: Combine End and Start Dates into single dataframe
    # Create a two column data frame with the start date and the category
    df_start = df[[start_date_column, category_column]].copy()

    # Update column names to match that of df_start
    df_end.rename(columns = {end_date_column: start_date_column}, inplace = True)
    # Append the df_end dataframe to the bottom
    df_entries = pd.concat([df_start, df_end])

    ## Step 3: Expand Dataset - Every Second
    # Create a dataframe of second intevals between two dates   
    time_range = pd.date_range(start_date, end_date, freq= '1s')
    time_range_df = pd.DataFrame(time_range).rename(columns = {0: 'date_time'})
    # Convert to time
    time_range_df['date_time'] = pd.to_datetime(time_range_df['date_time'])
    ## Step 4: Add our time stamps to the expanded time dataframe
    df_seconds = pd.merge(time_range_df, df_entries, how = 'left',  
                      left_on = 'date_time', right_on = start_date_column)
    # Find the first date_time with a category entry
    date_of_first_entry = df_seconds[(df_seconds[category_column] != 'no entry')  
                                     & (~df_seconds[category_column].isna())  
    # Find the index of the first entry
    index_of_first_entry = df_seconds.index[df_seconds['date_time'] == date_of_first_entry][0]
    # Reduce the dataframe to begin with the first entry
    df_seconds2 = df_seconds[index_of_first_entry:].copy()
    ## Step 5: Label every minute
    # Forward fill the category until next entry
    df_seconds2[category_column] = df_seconds2[category_column].ffill()
    df_seconds2[start_date_column] = df_seconds2[start_date_column].ffill()

    ## Step 6: Pick the end of a minute entry (at 58 seconds)
    # Expand the time stamp into the relevant time components
    # df_seconds2[['hour','minute','second']] = pd.to_timedelta(
    #     df_seconds2['date_time']).dt.components.iloc[:, 1:4]
    df_seconds2['hour'] = df_seconds2['date_time'].dt.hour
    df_seconds2['minute'] = df_seconds2['date_time'].dt.minute
    df_seconds2['second'] = df_seconds2['date_time'].dt.second

    # Select the entries at specified second interval (otherwise the frequency is too much for the chart)
    df_minutes = df_seconds2[df_seconds2['second'] == 58].reset_index()
    df_minutes['date_time_min'] = df_minutes['date_time'].values.astype('<M8[m]')

    ## Step 7: Add duration columns
    df_minutes['duration_minutes'] = 1

    # Find the index of the latest entry
    latest_date = df_minutes[df_minutes[category_column] != 'no entry']['date_time'].max()
    index_of_last_entry = df_minutes.index[df_minutes['date_time'] == latest_date][0]

    # Reduce the dataframe to begin with the first entry
    df_minutes_se = df_minutes[0:index_of_last_entry].copy()

    return df_minutes_se
In [14]:
def expand_rt_df(rt_df,RESC_DETAIL,START_DATE,END_DATE):

    # Expand our rescuetime data as that is bulk of my data
    res_time_data = time_dataframe_prep(df = rt_df, 
                                             start_date = START_DATE,
                                             end_date = END_DATE, 
                                             start_date_column = 'Date Start', 
                                             end_date_column = 'Date End', 
                                             category_column = CATEGORY_COL_NAME_1)

    res_time_data.sort_values('date_time_min', ascending = True).head(5)
    res_time_data[CATEGORY_COL_NAME_1] = res_time_data[CATEGORY_COL_NAME_1].astype(str)
    return res_time_data

Step 4: Visualize Data

In [15]:
def create_chart_xy_components(d, date_time_column, start_date, end_date, category_column):
    Returns a dataframe with columns specifically for visualizing the stack bar plot.
    d : dataframe
        Exploded dataframe
    date_time_column : datetime
        A column that contains a timestamp
    start_date : str
        Date of first entry 
    end_date :str 
        Date of last entry
    category_column : str
        Column that contains the event tag name
    d : dataframe
        A dataframe with additional columns for plotting
    # Reduce the dataframe to the specified date range
    d = d[(d[date_time_column] >= start_date) & (d[date_time_column] <= end_date)].copy()

    # Remove time stamps (x-axis)
    d['Date Abr'] = d['date_time']
    # Add day of week
    d['date_week'] = d['date_time'].dt.strftime('%Y-%m-%d, %a')

    # A float conversion of time (y-axis scaled for 24 hour period)
    d['time_from_day_start'] = (d[date_time_column] - d[date_time_column].dt.normalize()).dt.total_seconds().fillna(0)/(60*60)
    return d
In [16]:
def organize_categories_colors(d, category_column, my_color_categories, my_color_schema, specified_category_list = []):
    Returns a two lists and a dictionary of color hashes, ordered tag names and the pairs.
    d : dataframe
        Exploded dataframe with additional columns for plotting
    category_column : str
        Column that contains the event tag name
    my_color_categories : str list
        List of colors for a list of specified tags
    specified_category_list : str list
        Optional list of event tag names with unique colors, while the rest are all uniform and grey
    color_palette : list
        A list of color hashes
    category_list_names_ordered : list
        A list of event tag names that is ordered for legend display to match the color order.
    color_pairs_main : dictionary
        A combination of the tags and matching color hashes.

    ### Colors & Categories
    category_list = list(d[category_column].unique())
    category_list = [str(i) for i in category_list]
    ## Which categories have not yet been assigned a color in the my_color_schema
    unknown_category_list = list(set(category_list) - set(my_color_categories))

    # Generate color palette for the tags that weren't specified previously 
    r = lambda: random.randint(0,255)
    long_color_list = []
    for i in range(0, len(unknown_category_list)):
        long_color_list.append('#%02X%02X%02X' % (r(),r(),r()))
    color_list = long_color_list

    # Zip colors
    color_pairs_new = dict(zip(unknown_category_list, color_list))

    # Add the category/color pairs already defined in my_color_schema dictionary
    known_category_list = list(set(category_list) & set(my_color_categories))
    modified_my_color_schema = {x: my_color_schema[x] for x in known_category_list}

    # Combine new 
    color_pairs = {**color_pairs_new, **modified_my_color_schema}

    # Focus only a subset of categories
    if specified_category_list != []:
        # Create a list where all but the specified entries are included
        category_list_remaining = category_list.copy()
        [category_list_remaining.remove(x) for x in specified_category_list]
        # Convert all the not specified entries to the same color (make it easier to visually inspect for patterns)
        color_pairs.update(dict.fromkeys(category_list_remaining, '#e8e8e8'))

    # Ordered categories and colors
    category_list_names_ordered = [key for (key, value) in sorted(color_pairs.items())]
    color_palette = [value for (key, value) in sorted(color_pairs.items())]
    return color_palette, category_list_names_ordered, color_pairs
In [36]:
def daily_chart_24_hours(d, category_column, category_list_names_ordered, color_palette, 
    add_reference_lines = False, top_line = 9, bottom_line = 17, 
    legend_on = False, turn_xaxis_on = True,output=None):

    Returns a multi-day 24-hour stacked bar plot.
    d : dataframe
        Exploded dataframe with additional columns for plotting
    category_column : str
        Column that contains the event tag name
    category_list_names_ordered : list
        Ordered string tags that match the color palette order
    color_palette : list
        List of color hashes that correspond to the tags
    Optional Parameters
    add_reference_lines : boolean
        Display two horizonatal lines to draw your eye to particular times
    top_line : int
        Military time value for 1st horizontal line
    bottom_line : int
        Military time value for 2nd horizontal line
    legend_on : boolean
        Display legend 
    turn_xaxis_on : boolean
        Display xaxis date values

    """   'fivethirtyeight')

    v_val= 0
    h_val= 200
    verts = list(zip([-h_val,h_val,h_val,-h_val],[-v_val,-v_val,v_val,v_val]))

    fig, ax = plt.subplots()

    for i in range(len(category_list_names_ordered)):
        plt.scatter(d[d[category_column] == category_list_names_ordered[i]]['Date Abr'], 
                    d[d[category_column] == category_list_names_ordered[i]]['time_from_day_start'], 
                    s = 2000,
                    c = color_palette[i],
                    marker = (verts)
    plt.yticks(np.arange(0, 25, step=6)) 

    xstart = d['Date Abr'].min() - pd.DateOffset(days=1)
    xend = d['Date Abr'].max() + pd.DateOffset(days=1)
    plt.xlim(xstart, xend)

    # Add labels with Day of the week at the end, ordered
    plt.gca().xaxis.set_major_formatter(mdates.DateFormatter('%b %-d, %a'))

    # Remove the extra date at the front and end
    locs, labels = plt.xticks() 
    date_label_list = list(d['date_time'].dt.strftime('%b %-d, %a').unique())
    plt.xticks(np.arange(locs[0], locs[0] + len(date_label_list) + 1, step =1), 
        [""] + date_label_list + [""], 

    if turn_xaxis_on == False:

    if legend_on == True:
        leg = plt.legend(category_list_names_ordered, bbox_to_anchor=(1.15,0.5), 
                   loc="center", title = (r"$\bf{" + category_column + "}$"), fancybox=True)

        for i in leg.legendHandles:

    plt.ylabel('Time of Day')
    plt.title(r"$\bf{" + 'Recorded' + "}$" + ' ' + r"$\bf{" + 'Daily' + "}$" + ' ' + r"$\bf{" + 'Minutes' + "}$" +
        f"\nDate Range: {str(xstart.strftime('%Y-%m-%d'))} to {str(xend.strftime('%Y-%m-%d'))}")

    # Reference Lines
    if add_reference_lines == True:
        plt.axhline(y=top_line, linewidth=2, color='black', linestyle = '--')
        top_line_text = '  Start: {}'.format(top_line)
        plt.text(x=xend, y=top_line, s=top_line_text, alpha=0.7, color='#334f8d')

        bottom_line_text = '  End: {}'.format(bottom_line)
        plt.axhline(y=bottom_line, linewidth=2, color='black', linestyle = '--')
        plt.text(x=xend, y=bottom_line, s=bottom_line_text, alpha=0.7, color='#334f8d')
    with output:
In [23]:
# Display colors 
def set_colors(data,RESC_DETAIL):
    my_color_schema = MY_COLORS
    my_color_palette = [value for (key, value) in sorted(my_color_schema.items())]
    my_color_categories = [key for (key, value) in sorted(my_color_schema.items())]

    # Color and Category Selection
     color_pairs_main) = organize_categories_colors(d = data,
                                                    category_column = RESC_DETAIL, 
                                                    my_color_categories = my_color_categories,
                                                    specified_category_list = HIGHLIGHT_ONLY_CATEGORY_LIST
    # Output color palette
    return (color_palette, category_list_names_ordered, color_pairs_main)
In [19]:
# Color table
# pd.DataFrame(color_pairs_main.items(), columns = ['category', 'color']).sort_values('category')
In [32]:
def create_plot(START_DATE,END_DATE,RESC_DETAIL,output):
    rt_df = import_rescuetime()
    rt_df_processed = process_rescuetime(rt_df,START_DATE,END_DATE)
    res_time_data = expand_rt_df(rt_df_processed,RESC_DETAIL,START_DATE,END_DATE)

    data = create_chart_xy_components(d = res_time_data, 
                                      date_time_column = 'date_time', 
                                      start_date = START_DATE, 
                                      end_date = END_DATE, 
                                      category_column = RESC_DETAIL)
    color_palette, category_list_names_ordered, color_pairs_main = set_colors(data,RESC_DETAIL)
    daily_chart_24_hours(d = data, 
                         category_column = RESC_DETAIL,
                         category_list_names_ordered = category_list_names_ordered,
                         color_palette = color_palette,
                         add_reference_lines = True,
                         top_line = 9, 
                         bottom_line = 17,
                         legend_on = False,
                         turn_xaxis_on = True,
In [26]:
import ipywidgets as widgets
In [37]:
def handle_dropdown_change(change):

def handle_date_change(change):

dropdown = widgets.Dropdown(
    description='RescueTime category:',

start_date_widget = widgets.DatePicker(description='Pick start date',value=( - pd.DateOffset(days=DAYS_FROM_TODAY)))
end_date_widget = widgets.DatePicker(description='Pick end date',

caption = widgets.Label(value='Select a month for which you want to load the data')

dropdown.observe(handle_dropdown_change, names='value')

start_date_widget.observe(handle_date_change, names='value')
end_date_widget.observe(handle_date_change, names='value')

output = widgets.Output()

display(dropdown,start_date_widget, end_date_widget,output)

In [ ]: