Details for rescuetime-vs-step-counts.ipynb

Published by gedankenstuecke


How do your productivity and screen time influence your physical activity? Find out by looking at your RescueTime and Fitbit or Apple Healthkit data.

Important: You only need one of the activity trackers to use this notebook.


Tags & Data Sources

activity tracking productivity tracking work life balance RescueTime connection Fitbit Connection Open Humans Healthkit Integration


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Last updated 6 years, 1 month ago

Using RescueTime to analyze your productivity and computer usage

RescueTime is a service that monitors how you're using your computer. Split into 5 minute intervals you can't only see what you did with your computer, but it also classifies these activities automatically in productive/unproductive time.

Let's use this data to see

  • How our productivity changes over time
  • How we're spending most of our computer time

and if we're also counting steps with Fitbit and/or Apple HealthKit to see

  • How our computer usage influences our activity

To get started let's find out which data sources we have on Open Humans and identify & load the data from RescueTime

We can now see how the data from RescueTime looks like:

 'Time Spent (seconds)',
 'Number of People',

For each 5 minute interval we have the date, the time spent on a given activity, the activity itself, which category that activity belongs too (communication, writing, programming, etc.) and whether it is productive computer usage.

Let's now convert this JSON into a proper pandas.DataFrame by first looping over the different elements in our JSON and then converting the dates into real datetime objects:

Now we can put it into a single dataframe:

With that we can now see how our overall logged time develops over time:

<matplotlib.axes._subplots.AxesSubplot at 0x7f60f2aad320>

Using a 7 day rolling average we can see that there's a significant bump in hours spent in front of a computer starting in July 2017 and lasting until end of September 2017. Which makes sense, as this was the time I wrote up my PhD thesis.

Let's plot the Top 40 activities with which I've spent most time overall:

iterm2 and terminator are my two command line tools of choice, while MS Word is clearly in second place due to the inclusion of my PhD writing time. atom as my current favorite text editor for programming and the high ranking of github is also expected. Simlarly, lots of time spent on eMail & Slack aren't surprising either, given that much of my work is done remotely with collaborators across the globe.

Maybe interest: tweetbot, my Twitter client of choice comes in only at 10th spot!

Maybe surprising: the (offline) activities, as I earlier mentioned that RescueTime only counts screen time: Which is largely true, but if you're using their paid pro-tools you can also manually log offline time, e.g. for meetings, conferences, etc. For that reason mentoring, group seminars and journal clubs are ranking there as well.

Now we can have a look into how productivity shapes physical activity. We can do that using either Fitbit or Apple Health. Let's start with Fitbit (but don't worry if you only have data from Apple Health, you can scroll down and jump right in into the HealthKit part!).

Importing Steps from Fitbit

Let's import our step counts from Fitbit so that we can correlate this data with our productivity data.

Let's reload our user object to grab the link to the Fitbit data file and convert that into a DataFrame:

We can now join the Fitbit data with the RescueTime data:

With that done we can plot our data:

(-0.5, 13.042686893113581)

Looking at 2017 we can see that the more time I spent in front of a computer or in meetings, the less steps I did make (at least as far as Fitbit could count).

But this might be a bit misleading, as we're not differentiating between productive and unproductive time. So am I doing less steps because I'm wasting away time on Twitter or because I'm working?

Let's find out by splitting the time usage according to the productivity:

With that split done we can now join the productivity data with the Fitbit steps again:

And here is how that data comes out when we plot it:

(-0.5, 12.751497374601215)

For 2017 (the top row) it looks like the amount of unproductive time has very little impact on the overall step counts. Which is in stark contrast to the 2017 view for productive time! There's a strong linear correlation between the step count and the number of productive hours: The more I work - the less I walk! (surprise, I know 😂)

Interestingly, the picture for 2018 looks different:

  1. The plot suggests a positive correlation betweeen more unproductive time and increased step counts. Which might be because I'm largely slacking off on my computer on the weekend, where I also spend more time walking? But it might also just be plain misleading, after all the number of hours all group together rather closely.
  2. Looking at the productive hours there's no correlation between the number of productive hours and the step count! Which might be related to my move at the end of 2017. Since then I walk into the office each day, yielding something around 8,000 - 10,000 steps each day as a baseline
  3. If we compare the productive hours of 2017 and 2018 we see another strong difference: On the x-axis for 2017 we see that I sometimes spent up to nearly 12 hours a day engaged with things that were classified as productive work! 😱 In 2018 this has changed for the better! A better work/life balance means that this now maxes out at around 8 hours.

Correlating Steps from HealthKit with RescueTime productivity

In my own case I didn't wear a Fitbit for much for 2016 and 2017, which limits how much insight we can gain from the larger RescueTime data set. But these are timeframes for which I have RescueTime data and HealthKit data! So let's correlate these two data sources instead of Fitbit.

(I.e. If you have an iPhone and/or an Apple Watch and have connected the data to Open Humans you can run this!

The steps below here should be all that's needed for reading in the data from HealthKit and correlating it with RescueTime:

We can now plot our joint HealthKit and RescueTime data analogous to the Fitbit data above:

(-0.5, 14.208497028152498)

Looking at the 2017/2018 results these are largely unchanged to what we can observe in the Fitbit data, while 2016 is very similar to the trends of 2017:

For 2016 (the top row) and 2017 (the middle row) it looks like the amount of unproductive time has somewhat of an impact on the overall step counts. But the effect is rather small, especially as the overall unproductive time per day is crowded in between zero and two hours a day.

The 2016/2017 view for productive time is different though, as there is a much larger spread in the hours: There's a strong linear correlation between the step count and the number of productive hours: The more I work - the less I walk! (surprise, I know 😂)

Interestingly, the picture for 2018 looks different:

  1. The plot suggests a positive correlation betweeen more unproductive time and increased step counts. Which might be because I'm largely slacking off on my computer on the weekend, where I also spend more time walking? But it might also just be plain misleading, after all the number of hours all group together rather closely.
  2. Looking at the productive hours there's no correlation between the number of productive hours and the step count! Which might be related to my move at the end of 2017. Since then I walk into the office each day, yielding something around 8,000 - 10,000 steps each day as a baseline
  3. If we compare the productive hours of 2017 and 2018 we see another strong difference: On the x-axis for 2017 we see that I sometimes spent up to nearly 12 hours a day engaged with things that were classified as productive work! 😱 In 2018 this has changed for the better! A better work/life balance means that this now maxes out at around 8 hours.

Last updated 6 years, 1 month ago

Using RescueTime to analyze your productivity and computer usage

RescueTime is a service that monitors how you're using your computer. Split into 5 minute intervals you can't only see what you did with your computer, but it also classifies these activities automatically in productive/unproductive time.

Let's use this data to see

  • How our productivity changes over time
  • How we're spending most of our computer time

and if we're also counting steps with Fitbit and/or Apple HealthKit to see

  • How our computer usage influences our activity

To get started let's find out which data sources we have on Open Humans and identify & load the data from RescueTime

In [1]:
import json
import os
import requests
import pandas as pd
from datetime import datetime
import numpy as np
import seaborn as sns
response = requests.get("{}".format(os.environ.get('OH_ACCESS_TOKEN')))
fileurl = ''
for entry in response.json()['data']:
    if entry['source'] == "direct-sharing-149":
        fileurl = entry['download_url']

rescuetime_data = requests.get(fileurl).json()

We can now see how the data from RescueTime looks like:

In [2]:
 'Time Spent (seconds)',
 'Number of People',

For each 5 minute interval we have the date, the time spent on a given activity, the activity itself, which category that activity belongs too (communication, writing, programming, etc.) and whether it is productive computer usage.

Let's now convert this JSON into a proper pandas.DataFrame by first looping over the different elements in our JSON and then converting the dates into real datetime objects:

In [3]:
date = []
time_spent_seconds = []
activity = []
category = []
productivity = []
for element in rescuetime_data['rows']:
date = [datetime.strptime(dt,"%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S") for dt in date]

Now we can put it into a single dataframe:

In [4]:
rt_df = pd.DataFrame(data={
    'date': date,
    'time_spent_seconds': time_spent_seconds,
    'activity': activity,
    'category': category,
    'productivity': productivity

With that we can now see how our overall logged time develops over time:

In [5]:
rt_df = rt_df.set_index(rt_df['date'])
rt_df['day'] =  pd.to_datetime(
daily_activity = pd.pivot_table(rt_df,values='time_spent_seconds',index='day',aggfunc=np.sum).to_frame()
daily_activity = daily_activity.reset_index()
daily_activity['hours_spent'] = daily_activity['time_spent_seconds'] / 60 / 60

daily_activity.index = pd.to_datetime(daily_activity['day'])
daily_activity['day'] = None

sns.set_context("paper", font_scale=1.5)
sns.set_context(rc={"figure.figsize": (15, 8)})
<matplotlib.axes._subplots.AxesSubplot at 0x7f60f2aad320>

Using a 7 day rolling average we can see that there's a significant bump in hours spent in front of a computer starting in July 2017 and lasting until end of September 2017. Which makes sense, as this was the time I wrote up my PhD thesis.

Let's plot the Top 40 activities with which I've spent most time overall:

In [6]:
summed_activity_time = pd.pivot_table(rt_df,values='time_spent_seconds',index='activity',aggfunc=np.sum).to_frame()
summed_activity_time = summed_activity_time.reset_index()
summed_activity_time['time_spent_hours'] = summed_activity_time['time_spent_seconds'] / 60 / 60

plt = sns.stripplot(y='activity',

iterm2 and terminator are my two command line tools of choice, while MS Word is clearly in second place due to the inclusion of my PhD writing time. atom as my current favorite text editor for programming and the high ranking of github is also expected. Simlarly, lots of time spent on eMail & Slack aren't surprising either, given that much of my work is done remotely with collaborators across the globe.

Maybe interest: tweetbot, my Twitter client of choice comes in only at 10th spot!

Maybe surprising: the (offline) activities, as I earlier mentioned that RescueTime only counts screen time: Which is largely true, but if you're using their paid pro-tools you can also manually log offline time, e.g. for meetings, conferences, etc. For that reason mentoring, group seminars and journal clubs are ranking there as well.

Now we can have a look into how productivity shapes physical activity. We can do that using either Fitbit or Apple Health. Let's start with Fitbit (but don't worry if you only have data from Apple Health, you can scroll down and jump right in into the HealthKit part!).

Importing Steps from Fitbit

Let's import our step counts from Fitbit so that we can correlate this data with our productivity data.

Let's reload our user object to grab the link to the Fitbit data file and convert that into a DataFrame:

In [7]:
response = requests.get("{}".format(os.environ.get('OH_ACCESS_TOKEN')))
fileurl = ''
for entry in response.json()['data']:
    if entry['source'] == "direct-sharing-102":
        fileurl = entry['download_url']
        fitbit_data = requests.get(fileurl).json()
date = []
steps = []

for year in fitbit_data['tracker-steps'].keys():
    for entry in fitbit_data['tracker-steps'][year]['activities-tracker-steps']:
fitbit_steps = pd.DataFrame(data={
                'steps': steps})
fitbit_steps['date'] = pd.to_datetime(fitbit_steps['date'])
fitbit_steps = fitbit_steps.set_index('date')

We can now join the Fitbit data with the RescueTime data:

In [8]:
joined_data = daily_activity.join(fitbit_steps)
joined_data['steps'] = joined_data['steps'].apply(int)
joined_data = joined_data[joined_data['steps'] != 0]
joined_data['year'] = joined_data.index.year

With that done we can plot our data:

In [9]:
sns.plt.ylim(-0.5, None)
sns.plt.xlim(-0.5, None)
(-0.5, 13.042686893113581)

Looking at 2017 we can see that the more time I spent in front of a computer or in meetings, the less steps I did make (at least as far as Fitbit could count).

But this might be a bit misleading, as we're not differentiating between productive and unproductive time. So am I doing less steps because I'm wasting away time on Twitter or because I'm working?

Let's find out by splitting the time usage according to the productivity:

In [10]:
daily_activity_productivity = pd.pivot_table(rt_df,values='time_spent_seconds',index=['day'],columns=['productivity'],aggfunc=np.sum)
daily_activity_productivity = daily_activity_productivity.reset_index()

daily_activity_productivity['unproductive'] = daily_activity_productivity[-1] + daily_activity_productivity[-2]
daily_activity_productivity['productive'] = daily_activity_productivity[1] + daily_activity_productivity[2]

daily_activity_productivity = daily_activity_productivity.reset_index()
daily_activity_productivity['unproductive_hours'] = daily_activity_productivity['unproductive'] / 60 / 60
daily_activity_productivity['productive_hours'] = daily_activity_productivity['productive'] / 60 / 60

daily_activity_productivity.index = pd.to_datetime(daily_activity_productivity['day'])

With that split done we can now join the productivity data with the Fitbit steps again:

In [11]:
joined_productive_data = daily_activity_productivity.join(fitbit_steps)
joined_productive_data['steps'] = joined_productive_data['steps'].apply(int)
joined_productive_data = joined_productive_data[joined_productive_data['steps'] != 0]
joined_productive_data['year'] = joined_productive_data.index.year
joined_productive_data_long = pd.melt(joined_productive_data,id_vars=['day','steps','year'],value_vars=['unproductive_hours','productive_hours'])

And here is how that data comes out when we plot it:

In [12]:
sns.plt.ylim(-0.5, 60000)
sns.plt.xlim(-0.5, None)
(-0.5, 12.751497374601215)

For 2017 (the top row) it looks like the amount of unproductive time has very little impact on the overall step counts. Which is in stark contrast to the 2017 view for productive time! There's a strong linear correlation between the step count and the number of productive hours: The more I work - the less I walk! (surprise, I know 😂)

Interestingly, the picture for 2018 looks different:

  1. The plot suggests a positive correlation betweeen more unproductive time and increased step counts. Which might be because I'm largely slacking off on my computer on the weekend, where I also spend more time walking? But it might also just be plain misleading, after all the number of hours all group together rather closely.
  2. Looking at the productive hours there's no correlation between the number of productive hours and the step count! Which might be related to my move at the end of 2017. Since then I walk into the office each day, yielding something around 8,000 - 10,000 steps each day as a baseline
  3. If we compare the productive hours of 2017 and 2018 we see another strong difference: On the x-axis for 2017 we see that I sometimes spent up to nearly 12 hours a day engaged with things that were classified as productive work! 😱 In 2018 this has changed for the better! A better work/life balance means that this now maxes out at around 8 hours.

Correlating Steps from HealthKit with RescueTime productivity

In my own case I didn't wear a Fitbit for much for 2016 and 2017, which limits how much insight we can gain from the larger RescueTime data set. But these are timeframes for which I have RescueTime data and HealthKit data! So let's correlate these two data sources instead of Fitbit.

(I.e. If you have an iPhone and/or an Apple Watch and have connected the data to Open Humans you can run this!

The steps below here should be all that's needed for reading in the data from HealthKit and correlating it with RescueTime:

In [13]:
healthkit_urls = []
for f in response.json()['data']:
    if f['source'] == "direct-sharing-14":
from collections import defaultdict
healthkit_steps = defaultdict(int)
for url in healthkit_urls:
    healthkit_content = requests.get(url).content
        healthkit_json = json.loads(healthkit_content)
        for entry in healthkit_json['HKQuantityTypeIdentifierStepCount']:
            date = entry['sdate'][:10]
            steps = entry['value']
            healthkit_steps[date] += steps
    except json.JSONDecodeError: 
healthkit_dates = []
healthkit_data = []
for date,steps in healthkit_steps.items():
    healthkit_dates.append(datetime.strptime(date, '%Y-%m-%d'))
hk_df = pd.DataFrame(data = {'date': healthkit_dates, 
                          'hk_steps': healthkit_data})
hk_df.index = hk_df["date"]

hk_df = hk_df.groupby(
hk_df.index = pd.to_datetime(hk_df.index)

joined_productive_data_hk = daily_activity_productivity.join(hk_df)
joined_productive_data_hk = joined_productive_data_hk[joined_productive_data_hk['hk_steps'] != 0]
joined_productive_data_hk['year'] = joined_productive_data_hk.index.year
joined_productive_data_hk_long = pd.melt(joined_productive_data_hk,id_vars=['day','hk_steps','year'],value_vars=['unproductive_hours','productive_hours'])

We can now plot our joint HealthKit and RescueTime data analogous to the Fitbit data above:

In [15]:
sns.plt.ylim(-0.5, 60000)
sns.plt.xlim(-0.5, None)
(-0.5, 14.208497028152498)

Looking at the 2017/2018 results these are largely unchanged to what we can observe in the Fitbit data, while 2016 is very similar to the trends of 2017:

For 2016 (the top row) and 2017 (the middle row) it looks like the amount of unproductive time has somewhat of an impact on the overall step counts. But the effect is rather small, especially as the overall unproductive time per day is crowded in between zero and two hours a day.

The 2016/2017 view for productive time is different though, as there is a much larger spread in the hours: There's a strong linear correlation between the step count and the number of productive hours: The more I work - the less I walk! (surprise, I know 😂)

Interestingly, the picture for 2018 looks different:

  1. The plot suggests a positive correlation betweeen more unproductive time and increased step counts. Which might be because I'm largely slacking off on my computer on the weekend, where I also spend more time walking? But it might also just be plain misleading, after all the number of hours all group together rather closely.
  2. Looking at the productive hours there's no correlation between the number of productive hours and the step count! Which might be related to my move at the end of 2017. Since then I walk into the office each day, yielding something around 8,000 - 10,000 steps each day as a baseline
  3. If we compare the productive hours of 2017 and 2018 we see another strong difference: On the x-axis for 2017 we see that I sometimes spent up to nearly 12 hours a day engaged with things that were classified as productive work! 😱 In 2018 this has changed for the better! A better work/life balance means that this now maxes out at around 8 hours.